Rest and rejuvenation seem to be lost words in this fast paced world. To most, they are signs of weakness or show a lack of productivity. Many of us work 10 plus hour days, whether that is in an office environment, in a classroom, or as a new mother (which is more like a 24/7 job). Whichever the case, we are stretching ourselves thin while still trying to exercise, have a social life and remain somewhat sane.
The art of rest and taking care of our bodies has been chucked to the side and replaced with energy drinks, processed food in bags and dark circles under our eyes. Hello 3PM slump! Now, I understand that our fast paced lives aren’t slowing down anytime soon. We all have huge to-do lists and whether we are energized or not, those tasks still need to get done. So here I give you 5 ways to up your energy game so that you can tackle that to-do list, and then some.
1. Eat Fat
When you put the wrong kind of fuel in a car, it doesn’t run correctly, just like your body. Processed carbs like pretzels, candy, 100-calorie packs or really anything that comes in a package are only bringing your energy levels down. To get your natural energy back, reach for FAT. Yes, fat is your friend. Healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, coconut oil and nuts are incredible sources of energy for your body and your brain. Mix some into your morning smoothie, top your salad with avocado or nosh on nuts when you feel a slump coming on.
2. Dry Brush
This invigorating detox method stimulates the lymphatic system and leads to less inflammation, more weight loss, better circulation, glowing skin and—yes—more energy! Once you try it, this 2-minute daily routine will become an invaluable part of your day. Start at your feet with a stiff wooden brush like this one and brush upwards toward your heart. The chest is where the lymphatic system drains so it’s important to always brush in that direction. Brush your entire body at least once per day for optimal results. Dry brushing can create a lot of natural energy so I suggest that you don’t do it close to your bedtime.
3. Sleep
It seems that getting less sleep has become something to brag about in our society. If you aren’t sleeping then you must be doing something very important like running a large company or preparing for a big presentation. Well, lack of sleep is really nothing to boast about. Lack of sleep negatively impacts our mood and our ability to make decisions, to focus, and to access higher cognitive function. Bill Clinton famously said, “Every important mistake I’ve made in my life, I’ve made because I was too tired.” Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep every night, even if that means cutting studying short or postponing a meeting. That is, if you want to get things done effectively.
4. Drink Lemon and Cayenne
Drinking warm water with lemon and cayenne in the morning is a great way to get your body and metabolism going. Doing this every day stimulates your liver, which helps in the detoxification process. This leads to better elimination in the morning, clearer skin and—yes—more energy!
5. Generate Energy
You want to know what all top performers have in common? They don’t have energy; they generate energy. You are the power plant for your own energy and are therefore responsible for creating it yourself. So don’t play victim to what you feel might be a lack of energy. Instead, do what it takes to generate as much energy as possible. Eat well, get good sleep, meditate, take a walk and care for your body. Then know that you have the control to take yourself from an energy level of 3 to a level 8 within seconds. Studies done with high performers show that taking just a moment to evaluate your energy on a scale from 1-10 and then telling yourself that you’re taking it up 3 numbers results creates a huge spike in actual energy. So remember, you don’t have energy; you generate it.
About the Author:
Darby Jackson is a passionate health coach and wellness educator that awakens
clients to the very best version of themselves. She takes a down-to-earth approach
to wellness and helps busy people achieve a healthy lifestyle. The foundation of her practice is built on four truths that she instills in whomever she is working with:

- Food is not a bad thing
- Be Powerful
- Find balance
- Make your life your art
Darby graduated from UC Berkeley and then went on to study health and wellness at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
She is the founder of Darby Jackson Wellness, which offers a variety of services to help clients reach their full potential. Darby lives in Berkeley with her husband Brett and is proud to say that her car is always full of used coffee mugs and kombucha wrappers.